Click HERE to download the free printable nightshade allergy cards, so you can make eating out a little easier. Print on regular copy paper or on card stock.
When I’m at home, my nightshade allergy isn’t a problem. I have no problem avoiding problem foods when I’m the one doing the cooking and shopping.
However, when I go out to eat, which I love to do, it isn’t so easy.
I don’t like being a difficult diner, but I really do need to know what’s in the food that I eat.
It’s much better for me to make it clear upfront, than to send back a meal or suffer the consequences due to an unexpected ingredient.
A nightshade allergy can be confusing for someone who isn’t familiar with it, so I created these cards to help make it easier when dining out.
Following are the top four foods that people who are sensitive to nightshades need to pay attention to.
- Tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Eggplant
- Peppers
This isn’t the complete list of nightshades, but these are the ones that I most commonly run into at restaurants.
I hope this printable pdf makes it easier for you, so that you can eat out safely more often.
Check out my other vegetarian recipes, so you can get more nightshade-free kitchen inspiration.